Meet Maddison!

Meet my step-daughter Maddison! Maddison is the reason this website looks so beautiful! Her eye and talent with her camera and expertise in getting the website put together is the reason exists. She has been instrumental in getting the website up and running. Plus, she keeps me on task and on track!


Maddie and I met a little over nine years ago when I was dating her Dad, Maddie was a Freshman in high school at the time. And over the four years of high school her camera was never far away, or shall I say her phone. When she graduated high school she started using a “real” camera. Since then we don’t have many pictures of her because she’s always the one looking through the lens.

After high school, Maddie headed off to Spokane, Washington to attend Spokane Falls Community College in their 2 year graphic design program. She spent a year in the graphic design program but felt her real passion was for photography. So, she got herself into the photography program at Spokane Falls and blossomed. With her background in both graphic design and photography she has a keen eye for layout and framing photos that look amazing. 

Since graduating last June (during COIVD) Maddie has been pursuing her passion in  photography and doing jobs that pay her bills. She built a website to showcase her photography, you can check it out at it’s a beautiful site! Her site shows off her many talents behind the camera as well as, her expertise in graphic design.

I’d been wanting to build a website and blog for quite some time. I would get on website building sites but never got very far. Last summer Maddie showed me what she’d done with her website, I was so impressed! It inspired to try again and take another crack at building my own site. However, yet again I was thwarted by my inability to navigate the website building world. It was time to admit I needed some help. So, when Maddie was home over the holidays we started discussing a website/blog for me and my cooking. By New Years we were off and running! 

It’s been fun for us to collaborate on the site design and content. With Maddie’s fresh ideas and my feedback the site has come to life. She and I have had so much fun during our photoshoots. I cook, she snaps away…and the finished product is beautiful, fun pictures that capture why I love cooking and being in the kitchen. 

We hope you enjoy the website and continue to visit often to check out our new content and recipes we are working on!




The Kitchen