Garden Inspiration


Inspiration by definition is: an inspiring or animating action or influence.

Inspiration can sometimes be difficult to come by and then it just hits you. As we were leaving our property the other day I asked my husband if he would take a few pictures of the garden we have on our property. We live on 7 acres and have a beautiful, lush garden which I can’t take any credit for it. We have a couple who helps us take care of our property and Jenna has cultivated the garden. Jenna shares her bounty with us and inspires many simple delicious dinners. 

Before I go on, I must confess…I am a brown thumb. Jenna is very kind and has tried to teach and help me garden. While I am in awe and so impressed by Jenna’s garden, a garden takes time and a lot of hard work. Jenna is out in the garden year round. She takes great care to get the soil restored every year after her summer crops have been harvested. I hope someday I get the gardening bug but for now I will enjoy what Jenna has created.

She always tons of lettuce. Which means there is plenty to share. And a salad with fresh, tender lettuce straight from the garden is sooo good!! She has baby romaine and arugula. As well as sharing fresh herbs like parsley and basil. Sometimes I throw it all in and mix it with one of my vinaigrette dressing and serve with whatever protein we are having. Delicious!

A bountiful garden has endless inspiring options for simple fresh meals. If you don’t have a garden you can choose your produce from the next best option is your local farmers market. Go explore and get inspired!!



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